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Curriculum Vitae

Listed in the Wecontemporary art volume published by Musa International in Palermo Italy.

Sydney street mono.jpg

Photographs hung at the Blank Wall Gallery in Athens, Greece in the “Cityscapes” exhibition. The image “Speakers Corner, London” was used on the cover of the exhibition catalogue.

catalogue cover enlarged.jpg
Speakers Corner, London.jpg

Listed in the publication “Internationale Kunst Heute” (International Art Today)

Published in Germany, Internationale Kunst Heute is a catalogue of visual artists working in many fields.

international art today.jpg
Swallows, Buckleys hole, DSC8491.jpg
Jelly swarm.jpg

Listed in the publications Whos who in Visual Art, 100 Fine Art Photographers and 75 Fine Art photographers. Published by Whois verlag, Leipzig, Germany.

These two publications from 2012 and 2013 featured the work of fine-art photographers from around the world.

“I would like to state confidently: Fine art photography is alive! It is kept alive albeit by a relatively small group of genuine artists, who can be found outside popular top rankings, and who defy the shallowness of the concept of art.”

“ This book is an attempt at bringing together a selection of photographers who continue the work of the early innovators in artistic photography by demonstrating great creativity in their application of photographic means”

Ulrich Goette Himmelblau – Publisher.

Whos Who comb2.jpg

Second place winner in the “The Consequence of Light 2006 Winners' Exhibition” photographic awards by the Artrom Gallery, Rome, Italy

The ARTROM Gallery Consequence of Light 2006 On-line Exhibition
is the result of an on-line juried Competition in which artists from twenty different countries have participated.
Photography is changing and changing fast, but the power of the black and white or monochrome photograph to transmit and express emotion remains. Today we live in a full-color world, but black and white (and monochrome) is back because it's beautiful, and feels real. Dedicated purists have never left it, and lately artists and designers are returning and rediscovering it. This International Competition is dedicated to showing the continuing validity of this mode of revealing what the artists sees from behind the lens, translated into lights and darks. We thank renowned Italian photographer Andrea Bastogi who viewed all works and chose the Award Winners.


"Last Light" Second place


Contributing photographer to the French/ German publication “Oceanic Art”

Published by Konemann, Cologne, Germany.

Melanesian mask.jpg
Wooden pillar sculpture.jpg
Turtle shell mask.jpg

Senior Photographer and Picture Editor for Wildlife Australia magazine for three years.

Senior Photographer and Picture Editor for Wildlife Australia magazine for three years.


Senior photographer for the books “Wildlife of Greater Brisbane”, Wild Guide to Moreton Bay”

“Wildlife of Tropical North Queensland”, “Wild Plants of Greater Brisbane” “Discovery Guide to Outback Queensland” and “Kangaroos of Queensland”

Moreton bay  & wild places_covers.jpg
Trop Qld.jpg
Wild Great Bris.jpg
OV324 Pelicans L.jpg

Photographer for the book “Wild Places of Greater Brisbane”. A guide book to natural areas in south east Queensland. One of the most successful publications produced in Queensland, it remained at number one on the best-seller list for twelve weeks.

Wild Places image & cover_3.jpg
Mt.Barney in mist.jpg
Love Ck Mt.jpg

Bruce Cowell was one of a team of four people who re-discovered the believed extinct Mahogany Glider (Petaurus gracilis). His photographs and video, the first ever of this species, were used on television news reports and publications throughout the world.

mahog comp.jpg
Mahogany Glider on tree trunk.jpg

Finalist in the Suncorp/Energex Art Awards, Brisbane

Beth, Thomas & Carolyn & clowns_S.jpg

Co-ordinator and Judge of the “Australian Wildlife Photographer of the Year” competition. In conjunction with Wildlife Australia magazine Bruce Cowell managed the Australia wide competition and, along with Frank Warwick from Channel 7, judged it for three years.

Wildlife photog of the year poster.jpg

Photo B.Cowell


Second Place in the Hasselblad Masters of Photography Awards.

Photography awards hosted by the Swedish camera maker Hasselblad.

Ind & Comm comp.jpg
Goat herd ladahk copy.jpg

" Goat Herd, Ladahk" Published on the cover of “Industrial and Commercial Photography” magazine


Silver medal with graphic artist Andrew McGown at the Brisbane Art Directors Awards.

katydid keys.jpg
fish press.jpg

Contributing photographer to the Wet Tropics World Heritage nomination document that was presented to UNESCO by the Australian government as part of a submission to gain world heritage listing for Australias' wet tropical rainforests.

Rainforest letter.jpg
Fan Palms, DSC3643.jpg
Tropical Rainforest & Creek, DSC3640.jpg

Engaged as an artist to produce photographic images for projection onto the giant sun sails that covered much of the World Expo 88 site in Brisbane.

Expo sails D.jpg
Expo sails G.jpg
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