I like to focus my fine art work on what I see as those uniquely human concerns such as how we interact with the world and how we make sense of it. I try to capture those moments of meaning and substance that take us out of our everyday activities and link us to a larger collective that gives our lives reason and meaning. Through that I believe we can understand the links that bind us and the common threads that run through our lives. My ultimate aim is to explore the value of our shared humanity through the visual storytelling of photography. A genre of photography whose purpose is to capture the eternal in the everyday. A genre of photography that exists to capture those moments that transcend time and place and link us to the universe.
These moments are sometimes real and powerful and they sometimes pass us by with barely a thought. Whether we recognise them or not they are the building block of meaning and are made up of those profoundly important themes of purpose, connection, love, compassion, hope and a sense of belonging.
This is the purpose of my photography, as a reminder to value our shared humanity and to not allow it to be influenced by the division that surrounds us. Art is above all a channel through which we preserve and express these important themes and as artists we have a responsibility to ensure their preservation and their expression.

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